Some residents have written back to share on their thoughts on the safety of the neighbourhood:
If we have to do it,carry a torchlite and have a vigilante group prowl around Tiong Bahru estate if necessary.I will be the first volunteer,good exercise for the legs and doing a good turn for the community bonding the estate,thus detering unwanted attention to our property.
The CC,RC,should look into such area where its more meaningful,I have experienced it in Taiwan,very friendly kind of atmostphere when we met them in a darken street near our hotel vincinity.
Report any people or person loitering near your area for more than half an hour or aproach them and ask if you are of any help thus taking note of features,dressings which might be of help during investigation.Rather we could ask NHP to make petrol on behalf,you hardly see any petrol cars around,only when trouble has happened.
Usually such cases happen around 3 to 4 am where most of us are sound asleep.If happen to wake up for the necessary,just keep alook out on the streets or back lanes call for help if suspicious sound or characters for no reason loitering in your scope of vision.
Make sure public lightings is in working order,especially staircase landings and entrances.
Thanks for the info,will be more alert.Being one of the targets hit three years ago six cases in all within 3 months,my shop was burgled in the heat of the night by likely tenants on the upper floor.Especially there are renovation going on.Units should be on guard,in the area.
I am more careful not letting anyone unfamiliar to enter my back portion of my shop thus observing the weak areas which we have patched up.Installed motion detectors in critical area suggested by the Police and Insurance agent.
Hope to keep Tiong Bahru safe for all.
Thanks again for the timely reminder,I almost forgot about the situation I was in nearly four years ago.Although its a few thousand dollars its heart breaking and tension for the family.
By the way, the reported house breaking occurred about 10 plus in the evening it seems.
If anyone wants to take part in possible neighbourhood patrols, do drop us an email and we will see what we can do to get something organised.
Fortunately, this estate is still safer than most, as we have more eyes on the street to look out around for each other. Still, as some of you have shared - nothing like helping each of us as neighbours and friends to keep the area safe for all!